By SJ Otto
I was watching the show “Info Wars.” My brother told me he knew a bartender who only watches that channel for news. So here I am watching this guy and his show just for the fun of it. And he is telling his listeners that all the news on the Coronavirus is a conspiracy to take away our freedom. “It is all a scam,” according to the guy blathering away on my TV. I understand his name is Alex Jones.
I guess anyone with money can get on TV and spout anything they want. What this guy is saying is not really political. It is just lunacy. That virus is terrifying to some of us. I already have problems breathing because if my sinuses. I am also 65 years old and I’m diabetic. So I am terrified of dying from this disease, especially from the idea of gasping for air and chocking to death. The show I’m watching at present is an attack on the anti-Corona vaccine. Jones is complaining that “the left” wants to force us all to take that vaccine.
‘Everything from the left is a culture of bullying,’ he warns his viewers. He blames a lot on the left. According to Jones and his followers, who love to call in on his TV show, the whole virus thing is a scam. It’s all a lie. He has all kinds of intricate information which he uses to try and debunk all the information we all get from the news on the Coronavirus. He has all kinds of information telling us all how dangerous the vaccine is. And of course the idea is to force all of us to take this horrible vaccine. According to Jones we are all ‘just following our leaders and brainlessly doing what we are told.’
None of this stuff looks to me like it fits with any political agenda. If the left is really pushing this vaccine as some kind of plot, what is the purpose? What does any one get out controlling people with a vaccine? This guy is among all those “don’t wear a mask” people. How dare all those control freaks try and force us to wear a mask.
The shut downs enforced in some states are also part of the scam, according to this guy.
This is pure insanity. Anyone who really wants to die from this disease is free to do so. The mask is for the protection of others, as much as protection for the individual wearing the mask. If a person does not want the vaccine they are free to not take it. It they want to choke to death from a virus that cuts off their air supply—have at if folks. I have nothing against suicidal people. If someone wants to die that badly, I say go ahead. That leaves more vaccines for the rest of us. Some of us want to live and we are terrified of dying from that disease. I am one of those. I wear my mask. I try to avoid big crowds. I try to wash up when I can. I will have to die some day. But I can choose to avoid some forms of death that seem unpleasant, such as chocking to death from a virus. When the vaccine is offered I will take it. Not for political reason, but because I don’t want to choke to death. It is that simple.
—And by now I have changed the channel to watch something more amusing—that’s anything other than “Info Wars.”
Pix from Zazzle.