By Steven Otto
I call this site the idiot factor because a lot of the politics and politicians I deal with just seem to be complete idiots. I could easily call this coming holiday a holiday for idiots. Its not that I want to taunt those who actually served their country. But I wish we didn’t have so many people enamored by our imperialist army.
No mistaking it, we are the bad guys. We go around the world and kill people. We steal their sovereignty and their resources. The due process that protects us here, does not exist in many parts of the world, especially the Middle-east. Our military kills those who get in our way. We label them terrorists and that justifies assassination. And more interesting is that almost no US politicians oppose what we do over-seas, not even Bernie Sanders.
This year I planned a really neat vacation, except it includes this holiday for idiots. I will look for a place, that day, to go that does not have a lot of idiots in it.
Another look at Memorial Day- "Whom Will We Honor Memorial Day?"
From Zin Education Project:
By Howard Zinn
Published on June 2, 1976 in the Boston Globe and republished in The Zinn Reader with the brief introduction below.
Memorial Day will be celebrated … by the usual betrayal of the dead, by the hypocritical patriotism of the politicians and contractors preparing for more wars, more graves to receive more flowers on future Memorial Days. The memory of the dead deserves a different dedication. To peace, to defiance of governments.
In 1974, I was invited by Tom Winship, the editor of the Boston Globe, who had been bold enough in 1971 to print part of the top secret Pentagon Papers on the history of the Vietnam War, to write a bi-weekly column for the op-ed page of the newspaper. I did that for about a year and a half. The column below appeared June 2, 1976, in connection with that year’s Memorial Day. After it appeared, my column was cancelled.
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Memorial Day will be celebrated as usual, by high-speed collisions of automobiles and bodies strewn on highways and the sound of ambulance sirens throughout the land.
It will also be celebrated by the display of flags, the sound of bugles and drums, by parades and speeches and unthinking applause.
It will be celebrated by giant corporations, which make guns, bombs, fighter planes, aircraft carriers and an endless assortment of military junk and which await the $100 billion in contracts to be approved soon by Congress and the President.
There was a young woman in
No politician who voted funds for war, no business contractor for the military, no general who ordered young men into battle, no FBI man who spied on anti-war activities, should be invited to public ceremonies on this sacred day. Let the dead of past wars be honored. Let those who live pledge themselves never to embark on mass slaughter again.
“The shell had his number on it. The blood ran into the ground…Where his chest ought to have been they pinned the Congressional Medal, the DSC, the Medaille Militaire, the Belgian Croix de Guerre, the Italian gold medal, The Vitutea Militara sent by Queen Marie of