By Steve Otto
There is nothing more cowardly and traitorous than a leader who invites US troops to come in and run his country. And that is what happened when Interim Prime Minister Claude Joseph called his imperialist master asking for help.
"We definitely need assistance and we've asked our international partners for help,"Interim Prime Minister Claude Joseph told The Associated Press in a phone interview. "We believe our partners can assist the national police in resolving the situation."
As we all know, President Jovenel Moïse's assassinated recently. The US has had a long history of invading and meddling in the affairs of Haiti. In1990 Jean-Bertrand Aristide was elected President. In less than a year he was overthrown in a coup led by Raoul Cédras.
Then according to Wikipedia:
“In September 1994, the United States negotiated the departure of Haiti's military leaders and the peaceful entry of 20,000 US troops under Operation Uphold Democracy. This enabled the restoration of the democratically elected Jean-Bertrand Aristide as president, who returned to Haiti in October to complete his term. As part of the deal Aristide had to implement free market reforms in an attempt to improve the Haitian economy, with mixed results, some sources stating that these reforms had a negative impact on native Haitian industry.”
As with the usual phony baloney this country conducts, they used the phony name “Operation Uphold Democracy.” But it wasn’t democracy they wanted, it was the free market.
In 2004 an anti-Aristide revolt began in northern Haiti. The US clearly favored the military engineered coup. The main stream press in the US played their usual role as cheer leaders for the rebellion, labeling those who defend the nation’s democracy as “thugs.”
After years of turmoil the country had new elections resulting in Moïse's coming to power. The US government has a long history of invading and intervening the affairs of Haiti and all the rest of Latin America. To invite such foreign invaders to come and “resolve the situation” is outright treason. Any leader who does that needs to be removed. Nothing good can come from that and the people Haiti deserve better.