Here is a case of the "pot calling the kettle black"- Otto
From Daily Kos:
A point I have tried to make a number of times on the "Eghazi: It's Classified!""scandal" is that the originators of the "classified" e-mails were career State Department officials. Thus, I noted that the current US Ambassador to Bahrain William Roebuck originated a now "classified SECRET" e-mail that founds its way to Clinton's inbox after being forwarded by multiple careeer State officials.
Yesterday Josh Gerstein identified now "classified e-mails that were originated by 33 year State Department veteran William Burns.
Now today the AP reports what should have been obvious to any honest observer by now -State Department officials routinely sent subsequently classified information over unsecure e-mail:
The transmission of now-classified information across Hillary Rodham Clinton's private email is consistent with a State Department culture in which diplomats routinely sent secret material on unsecured email during the past two administrations, according to documents reviewed by The Associated Press.
And here's the kicker:
five emails that date to Condoleezza Rice's tenure as secretary of state during the George W. Bush administration, large chunks are censored on the grounds that they contain classified national security or foreign government information.
For the rest click here.
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