By SJ Otto
While we see cowardly politicians across the US, pulling back from this countries commitments to take in Syrian refugees, we also have an example of that mean spiritedness here in Wichita , KS and Sedgwick Country.
The Wichita Eagle has reported on comments by Sedgwick County Commissioner Karl Peterjohn warning citizens to “be prepared” against the imminent “Islamist threat.” The county commissioners also passed a resolution condemning the ISIS attacks on Paris and Russia .
Peterjohn showed a slide show depicting criminals and terrorists who use the name Muhammad. This is in step nation-wide with many politicians and pundits across the country who want to lump all Muslims together and treat them all as terrorists and potential terrorists.
The Islamic Society of Wichita gave some statements on its website:
“I think they [Peterjohn’s comments] are very inflammatory,” said Madi. “And I think we should educate the public about who the Muslims are. A lot of Americans are Muslisms. They serve in this city, and along the United States , all over, in every state and every city, [they] are doctors, highly educated people....
We condemn this horrific attack in the strongest terms possible. Such inexcusable acts of violence must be repudiated by Americans of all faiths and backgrounds. The American Muslim community stands shoulder to shoulder with our fellow citizens in offering condolences to the loved ones of those killed and injured and in rejecting anyone who would harm the humanity safety and security. Our thoughts and prayers are with the families impacted by this tragedy.”
There is nothing surprising about Perterjohn's rant. The Republican Party members have been saying such things since the attacks in Paris . He is local so we can approach him and confront him locally about this.