Channel: The Idiot Factor: Corruption Folly
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Wichita’s inadequate buss system may not run on Saturday


The Wichita City Council is considering ending buss service on Saturdays. The City’s bus service is already a joke. This is a major city with almost half a million people and the busses only run until 6p.m. Some people can’t even use it to get home from work, because they get out after the busses have stopped running.
Wichita is one of the few cities that don’t have any real public transportation. Most large cities have a buss that runs late into the night. And most buss systems cover at least most of any large city (that doesn’t have some kind of subway system).
According to The Wichita Eagle the City Council also want to raise fares from $1.25 to $1.75. Even if they raise the fairs, it is cheaper to travel around town on a buss than fill up a car every few days with $50 or more. Once again poor people are the targets of city budget cuts. They city can contribute to investments for a River-walk Project we don’t really need. But anything that helps people, either to get to work, or old people who can’t drive to get around and shop, the City just forgets them.

They also developed a downtown area, with all kinds of bars and restaurants, to bring people back to that part of town, but if people go there to drink, they either have to pay $30 to $50 for a cab home or they get a DUI for driving themselves home. No one has ever thought about the idea of a buss to take people to and from the downtown area. Almost every other city has a system like that. There are also people without cars who could work a third shift if there was a night-time buss. According to The Wichita Eagle article, a lot of people in Wichita rely on the buss system. But the City Council doesn’t care. They only listen to people with big money.

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