By SJ Otto
This Saturday Night members of the Kansas Democratic Party met for a fund raiser here in Wichita . They have reason to be optimistic this time around. Sam Brownback's approval rating is as low as it has ever been, about 17%. People in Kansas know that he has the help of many Tea Party Republicans in the Kansas Senate and House. So this is a good chance to finally get rid of his "rubber stamp" minions.
Democratic Leaders at this event believe that these Brownback supporters are extremely vulnerable to being defeated by Democrats.
Several candidates addressed the crowd, such as Jim War, a Kansas House Representative in the 86th district.Elizabeth Bishop will be running for House district 88.
"I'm going to win," she said confidently. She is running against Joseph Scapa, a Tea Party Republican.
Also running and in attendance is Dan Giroux who is running against Mike Pompeo, one of the most militaristic candidates to ever hold an office in Kansas . He is so pro-military that he has neglected his non-military constituencies. He is a major imperialist lackey and getting rid of him will be a great achievement.
Here Dan Giraoux and Kansas Senate candidate Lynn Rogers pose at the Democratic fund raiser this last Saturday Night.