From The Daily Kos:
Donald Trump is having a very difficult time grasping the awe and wonder apparently posed by the Atlantic , because he’s been commenting about it all morning. "It's very tough because it's an island...an island sitting in the middle of an ocean — and it's a big ocean. It's a very big ocean." Then Trump, in his inimitable fashion of saying things twice, said, “This isn’t like Florida ...This is a thing called the Atlantic Ocean . This is tough stuff.”
Trump on delivering Puerto Rico aid: "This isn't like Florida ... This is a thing called the Atlantic Ocean . This is tough stuff." pic.twitter.com/tkWyUoPnwi
There's this thing we have called THE US NAVY @realDonaldTrump they handle that big blue wobbly thing called The Atlantic all the time.
The Atlantic Ocean , that's one tough hombre. North Korea , no problem. The Atlantic ? It's not pacific, if you know what I mean. Tough, tough.
Trump: "This is a thing called the Atlantic Ocean . This is tough stuff."
Damn Obama left The Atlantic Ocean problem for Trump to deal with.
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