Next to Charles and David Koch, few things threaten to destroy Kansas democracy as the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). The group has many elected officials as members and it welds politicians to business people. The group holds secret meetings where business people and politicians decide what kind of laws the rest of us are supposed to live by. Below is a list put together by Dawn Marie Booher. This list is not complete. Some of these politicians have left office since this list was compiled. -សតិវ អតុ
Karen Brownlee R, Kansas Senate[55]
Terry Bruce R, Kansas Senate[27][77]
Rob Bruchman R, Kansas House of Representatives[24][77]
Steve Brunk R, Kansas House of Representatives[78]
Terry Calloway R, Kansas House of Representatives[77]
Richard Carlson R, Kansas House of Representatives[54]
Pete DeGraff R, Kansas House of Representatives[78]
John Faber R, formerly Kansas House of Representatives[78]
Mario Goico R, Kansas House of Representatives[27]
TerriLois Gregory R, Kansas House of Representatives[77]
Amanda Grosserode R, Kansas House of Representatives[77]
Gary Hayzlett R, Kansas House of Representatives[27]
Carl Holmes R, Kansas House of Representatives[78]
Mitch Holmes R, Kansas House of Representatives[54]
Deena Horst R, formerly Kansas House of Representatives[78]
Steve Huebert R, Kansas House of Representatives[54]
Lynn Jenkins R, U.S. House of Representatives[53]
Richard Kelsey R, Kansas Senate[54]
Lance Kinzer R, Kansas House of Representatives[24][77][78]
Marvin Kleeb R, Kansas House of Representatives[77][78][78]
Forrest Knox R, Kansas House of Representatives[54][77][78]
Garret Love R, Kansas Senate[77]
Julia Lynn R, Kansas Senate[77]
Peggy Mast R, Assistant Majority Leader Kansas House of Representatives[54]
Ty Masterson R, Kansas Senate[78]
Kelly Meigs R, Kansas House of Representatives[77]
Raymond Merrick R, Kansas Senate[5][77]
Jerry Moran R, United States Senate[57]
Susan Mosier R, Kansas House of Representatives[77]
Don Myers R, Kansas House of Representatives[54]
Ralph Ostmeyer R, Kansas Senate[54][77]
Joe Patton R, Kansas House of Representatives[24][54]
Mike Petersen R, Kansas Senate[21]
Mary Pilcher-Cook R, Iowa Senate[54][55]
Larry Powell R, Kansas House of Representatives[77]
Dennis Pyle R, Kansas Senate[55]
Marc Rhodes R, Kansas House of Representatives[54][55][78]
John Rubin R, Kansas House of Representatives[27][77]
Ronald Ryckman R, Kansas House of Representatives[77]
Scott Schwab R, Kansas House of Representatives[54][55][77]
Sharon Schwartz R, Kansas House of Representatives[55]
Chris Steineger R, Kansas Senate[21][77]
Todd Tiahrt R, Formerly U.S. House of Representatives[54]
Susan Wagle R, Kansas Senate[78]
Kevin Yoder R, U.S. House of Representatives[53
Terry Bruce R, Kansas Senate[27][77]
Rob Bruchman R, Kansas House of Representatives[24][77]
Steve Brunk R, Kansas House of Representatives[78]
Terry Calloway R, Kansas House of Representatives[77]
Richard Carlson R, Kansas House of Representatives[54]
Pete DeGraff R, Kansas House of Representatives[78]
John Faber R, formerly Kansas House of Representatives[78]
Mario Goico R, Kansas House of Representatives[27]
TerriLois Gregory R, Kansas House of Representatives[77]
Amanda Grosserode R, Kansas House of Representatives[77]
Gary Hayzlett R, Kansas House of Representatives[27]
Carl Holmes R, Kansas House of Representatives[78]
Mitch Holmes R, Kansas House of Representatives[54]
Deena Horst R, formerly Kansas House of Representatives[78]
Steve Huebert R, Kansas House of Representatives[54]
Lynn Jenkins R, U.S. House of Representatives[53]
Richard Kelsey R, Kansas Senate[54]
Lance Kinzer R, Kansas House of Representatives[24][77][78]
Marvin Kleeb R, Kansas House of Representatives[77][78][78]
Forrest Knox R, Kansas House of Representatives[54][77][78]
Garret Love R, Kansas Senate[77]
Julia Lynn R, Kansas Senate[77]
Peggy Mast R, Assistant Majority Leader Kansas House of Representatives[54]
Ty Masterson R, Kansas Senate[78]
Kelly Meigs R, Kansas House of Representatives[77]
Raymond Merrick R, Kansas Senate[5][77]
Jerry Moran R, United States Senate[57]
Susan Mosier R, Kansas House of Representatives[77]
Don Myers R, Kansas House of Representatives[54]
Ralph Ostmeyer R, Kansas Senate[54][77]
Joe Patton R, Kansas House of Representatives[24][54]
Mike Petersen R, Kansas Senate[21]
Mary Pilcher-Cook R, Iowa Senate[54][55]
Larry Powell R, Kansas House of Representatives[77]
Dennis Pyle R, Kansas Senate[55]
Marc Rhodes R, Kansas House of Representatives[54][55][78]
John Rubin R, Kansas House of Representatives[27][77]
Ronald Ryckman R, Kansas House of Representatives[77]
Scott Schwab R, Kansas House of Representatives[54][55][77]
Sharon Schwartz R, Kansas House of Representatives[55]
Chris Steineger R, Kansas Senate[21][77]
Todd Tiahrt R, Formerly U.S. House of Representatives[54]
Susan Wagle R, Kansas Senate[78]
Kevin Yoder R, U.S. House of Representatives[53