Channel: The Idiot Factor: Corruption Folly
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MoveOn rally—Wichitans for Medicaid expansion


Carrying signs that said; “Brownback- Expand Medicaid;” “Honk if you want the GOP to stop blocking Medicaid expansion” and “Healthcare bills are #1 reason for bankruptcy,” protesters held a rally at Old Town Square, in Wichita, Saturday at noon.
“The main message is that money is going to states who accept the Medicaid expansion (federal) funds,” said Jan Swartzendruber, Regional Organizer MoveOn.org. “Our citizens are funding other states for Medicaid (called KanCare here in Kansas) expansion,”
The rally was organized by a local chapter of MoveOn. About 50 people took part in the rally, along 2nd Street. Swartzendruber explained that Kansas citizens are paying federal taxes that go to funding Medicaid Expansion program, a part of The Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as Obamacare, in the states that have agreed to take the funding. Governor Brownback has refused to take the money, because he and other Republicans are so determined to derail Obamacare, they are willing to penalize their own citizens.
“We are holding rallies in Wichita, Topeka and Overland Park,” Swartzendruber said. She added that those towns have local chapters of MoveOn. In Wichita the protesters stood along 2nd Street while cars passed them.
MoveOn members handed out pamphlets about another related issue an amendment to the Prompt Pay bill for KanCare, HB2552. It says that the governor cannot expand Medicaid unless the Republican controlled house and senate approve of it. The new amendment is obviously designed to allow the senate and house to block the next governor from enacting the president’s healthcare reforms. Pols are showing that the Democratic Governor Candidate Paul Davis may beat Sam Brownback in upcoming elections. Republicans in this state are desperate to continue to block healthcare reform and continue to keep those who presently can’t afford healthcare from getting it.
MoveOn members handed out pamphlets that said 77,000 Kansans are without healthcare and cannot get KanCare. These are the people who would benefit from expanding KanCare.
Kansas Republicans, as with Republicans across the country, are doing everything they can to sink the Affordable Care Act. People are beginning to see the benefits of this new act and groups such as MovOn are now trying to let our politicians know they don’t want obstructionists to stop those who need health care from getting it.


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