By SJ Otto
There is one thing we can say about Brett Kavanaugh, the far-to-the-right, former-mean-drunk, would-be-rapist, hoping-to-be-our-next-Supreme Court judge, is that he is smart. He is slippery, smarmy, treacherous, cunning and yes—cleaver.
After Christine Blasey Ford gave a convincing testimony at Kavanaugh's hearing Thursday afternoon, most observers seem to believe that Kavanaugh was finished. And yet Kavanaugh thundered his indignation to the point where he convinced almost all of the Republicans and others that HE was the victim. Some Republicans had insisted that the Democrats should apologies to Kavanaugh, the Republicans, the president and the American people for putting the nominee and his family through such a "sham" hearing (as in the words of Senator Lindsey Graham).
Republicans such as Graham, helped Kavanaugh stage his comeback. If there were academy awards for political drama, both Kavanaugh and Graham would be up for a nomination.
All of the drama would have been a slam dunk for Kavanaugh getting his nomination fulfilled and his dream of being on the court, ready to strike down Roe v. Wade, if it weren't for the sexual assault survivors who confronted Senator Jeff Flake, Republican of Arizona. They made it clear to him that many women across the country are not going to just lay down and let a sexual predator take a seat on the Supreme Court.
“On Monday, I stood in front of your office,” one of the women, Ana Maria Archila, forcefully told Flake,. “I told the story of my sexual assault.”
Two women blocking an elevator door, angrily demanding to be heard as the senator stood by, listening quietly, nodding and looking away. Maria Gallagher was the other woman.
Those women were just as convincing as Kavanaugh. Those two got to Flake and he called for a one week investigation by the FBI before the final vote is taken.
There are a lot of us all across the country who do not want Kavanaugh to sit on the Supreme Court. Many of us, across the country, don't want his right-wing agenda crammed down all of our collective throats. There is plenty of good reasons to oppose Kavanaugh on grounds that Ford's testimony is credible enough that we risk putting a would be rapist on the Supreme Court.
We can be thankful that there are women who have been victims of sexual assault who are not as easily fooled as a lot of other Republicans and Republican leaning voters.
We still haven't stopped Kavanaugh from getting his job. But we still have a chance. Kavanaugh is a sexist con man and a lot of us are going to do what ever we can to stop him.