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DSA meeting and elections begin, last Saturday


By SJ Otto
Democratic Socialist of America (DSA) member met last Saturday to discuss elections for General Assembly. Most of the seats are not contested, but members can vote against those names, should they not want those persons to serve. Besides all the names there are also some questions, Should the local DSA accept the proposed Code of Conduct, (to be found here, https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FwlivaK8Psl7Olvntzp_vF0-bQsHP-7Gcaxf3mWP-Ws/edit?usp=sharing) and proposed change to the constitution:

Section 1 Definition
The officers of the Wichita DSA shall consist of two (2) Co-chairs, designated Chair 1 and Chair 2, a Recording Secretary, a Social Secretary, an Activities Coordinator, and a Political Education Coordinator. The Co-chair positions have specific gender requirements. For the officers’ slate as a whole, the members of Wichita DSA are encouraged to strive for balance in race, class, sexual orientation and other factors relating to relative power in the community at large. Members nominated for officer positions shall self-identify as they see fit.
Reason for change:
This is an oversight in the original writing. Activities Coordinator is included in the document already, but not mentioned in the Definition section.”
Names on the ballot include:

Social Secretary:

The Social Secretary is responsible for the membership lists, KS DSA member at-large lists, contact lists, and all social media and email accounts owned by Wichita DSA. (note: Except for matters of public record, these lists are confidential.) The social secretary, with volunteer help if desired, sends required notice for membership meetings, calculates the quorum number, registers attendees, and determines if there is a quorum. The social secretary will always have membership materials, including means of payment, available at membership meetings so that non-members may join. If a division or paper ballot is needed, the social secretary will assist the recording secretary by determining eligibility of all who vote.

Corina T.

The Recording Secretary:
The Recording Secretary is responsible for the agendas and minutes of all membership (business) meetings and all Steering Committee meetings. The recording secretary will build the proposed agenda based on business from the previous meeting and consultation with the other officers. They will take notes at all meetings of the membership or the Steering committee and present minutes at the next meeting for approval.
The Recording Secretary will also keep an archive, either on paper or preferably electronically, of all previous meeting agendas and minutes, for at least two (2) years. Minutes of all membership and Steering Committee meetings will be shared electronically with the Steering Committee as soon as possible after the meeting. Members may have access to the archive of minutes upon request. If a division or a paper ballot is needed at any meeting, the recording secretary will carry this out, delegating the count to volunteer tellers if desired.
The Recording Secretary is responsible for the income, expenses, and budget of the Wichita DSA. The Recording Secretary will receive any money donated to the Wichita DSA (but not member dues owed to the National, which will be received by the Social Secretary if paid at a meeting) and will account for all received money. Wichita DSA will maintain a checking account at a credit union and the signatories will be the Recording Secretary and at least one Co-chair. If Wichita DSA engages in any business causing taxes, rents, or fees to be due, the Recording Secretary will be responsible for paying these. If Wichita DSA engages in any electoral activity, the Recording Secretary will be responsible for any campaign reporting that becomes needed.

Karen D.

The only contested seat is Political Education Coordinator:
The Political Education Coordinator shall be responsible for prioritizing, planning, and follow-through on all chosen programs of political education for Wichita DSA. The Political Education Coordinator will be responsible for insuring that four (4) or more program meetings as called for in Item I Section 7 of the constitution are held each year.
The Political Education Coordinator will be the head of the Education Committee.

Russell F.
Brad N.

Activities Coordinator:
The Activities Coordinator shall be responsible for prioritizing, planning, and follow-through on all chosen programs and events for Wichita DSA. The Activities Coordinator will be, along with the Co-chairs, the liaison with any external groups that Wichita DSA shall choose to affiliate with, assist or collaborate with.
The Activities Coordinator will be responsible for notifying members and the public (where applicable) regarding Wichita DSA meetings and events via email, social media, and the website calendar.
The Activities Coordinator will be the head of the Events Committee.

Alex T.
That was the only business we had. The rest of the time was taken up with socializing. There were about 15 people at the meeting. It was a great event.

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