By SJ Otto
Those who fallow the constant barrage of hate against Ilhan Omar, are well aware that she has been called anti-Semitic for criticizing Israel . But for those of us who are honest about the status of Israel , we see a country bent on war with its neighbors, especially Iran . According to this Reuters’article:
“Israel ’s navy could take action against Iranian oil smuggling, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Wednesday, urging world powers to foil any effort by Tehran to evade U.S. sanctions.
The Israeli leader told naval officers that Iran was still resorting to clandestine measures to ship fuel that it first used prior to a 2015 nuclear deal easing Western sanctions on its oil sector.
U.S. President Donald Trump last year quit the nuclear deal and reimposed some sanctions, aiming to cut Iran ’s oil exports to zero.”
As with Trump and the US, Israel has ignored the agreement that this country made with Iran during the Barack Obama Presidency. Iran was trying to cooperate with this country, but according to Trump and Netanyahu there is nothing that country can do to stop the sanctions, short of complete surrender to its enemies. One thing both countries want is for Iran to stop their support of proxy armies in the region (terrorism according to Trump and Netanyahu). That is something that most of the government in the Middle East do. The US does that a lot. Supposedly Iran supports terrorism. In reality it supports groups with a similar ideology and most are NOT terrorists.
I’m not a fan of the Iranian government or any other Moslem government. These sanctions will not just affect the leaders of Iran; it will affect the people who are living there. Maybe they think if they cripple the economy of Iran and cause hardship on its people, they will turn against their leaders as has happened in Venezuela. But this is a terrible precedent to set for foreign policy. It is brutal and barbaric to tell a sovereign nation that they can’t sell their own resources to anyone. Now they want to fight a war with anyone who chooses to buy Iranian oil. This is a policy of pure arrogance and Israel is talking about starting a war that is just plain not necessary. Is it really anti-Semitic to oppose starting a war? This is the kind of absurdity that journalists and pundits in this country need to expose. We know that does not mean help from the mainstream media. Let’s give Omar the credit for being brave enough to take on the Republicans and the corporate Democrats who want to label everyone who criticizes Israel as anti-Semitic. And let’s confront those who use the façade of anti-Semitism to approve of un-necessary war.

Right-wing, quasi-fascist warrior Netanyahu!