According to what I read in the article below, I can sexually assault women and rip off poor people, through such gimmicks as predatory lending, tax poor people at a higher rate so my rich buddies can get everything for free and I can lie and cheat. I can cheat on my wife. I can be absolutely greedy, but I will get to heaven if I can get God's political agenda passed in government. I didn’t realize it is so easy to get to be a Christian and go to heaven.
From Counter Punch:
A number of evangelical Christians tell us that Donald Trump’s presidency is heaven sent, which indicates that they know God’s will and can even speak for God. In reality, they are using God to gaslight their followers and other citizens into believing that Trump’s presidency is divinely ordained – as is their own calling.
In an interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network, House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders, a Southern Baptist, said, “I think God calls all of us to fill different roles at different times and I think he wanted Donald Trump to become president . . . And I think he has done a tremendous job in supporting a lot of things people of faith really care about.” A doubting Muslim from Minnesota , Rep. Ilham Omar, responded in disbelief, “God has a strange sense of humor.” (“Rep. Ilhan Omar Reacts to Sanders Saying God Wanted Trump Elected: ‘God has a strange sense of humor!’” By CNSNews Staff, Jan. 31, 2019)
Like Rep. Omar, writer Andy Ostroy was skeptical of Press Secretary Sanders’ divine discernment. He tweeted:
Hey @PressSec…do ya think “God” also wanted #Trump to be a pathologically- lying, sexually-abusive, foul-mouthed, bullying racist serial philanderer who mocks disabled people, attacks the Pope, cages kids, steals an election & betrays his country? –Andy Ostroy (@Andy Ostroy), Jan. 30, 2019)
Don’t think about Donald Trump’s divisive narcissistic autocratic personality. His campaign manager Brad Parscale certainly doesn’t. In fact, he testified to Trump’s divine calling on Twitter: “Only God could deliver such a savior to our nation, and only God could allow me to help. God bless America .” (“The sanctification of Donald Trump,” By Andrew Restuccia, POLITICO, 4/30/2019) It is about evangelicals “help[ing] – and being helped.
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