By SJ Otto
It is a good idea for political activist to meet and socialize even if the meeting is mostly for socializing. So members of the Wichita Chapter of DemocraticSocialists of America met at Picasso’s Pizzeria, in west Wichita , last night (Thursday).
Although it was an in formal meeting with no real agenda, we had a lively discussion about the upcoming presidential elections and the impeachment of President Donald Trump. we had about five new people who came to discuss democratic socialism and learn more about the group. There are always new people who want to know some basics about socialism in general. Two people discussed the need for managers in factories. There were two people there who said they work at the airplane factories and disused the need for managers over the factory workers. One of our more experienced members explained that working people all have different skills and some working people make good managers.
Some members said they would only support Bernie Sanders for Presidential candidate to try and beat Trump. Some members said they might support Elisabeth warren. Others said they did not trust her to stand up to conservatives who would expect to be able to bully her around.
Wichita DSA has a formal monthly meeting planned for October 27. I will be there and I will report on it.