By SJ Otto
Day after day I check the news on my iPhone, lab top and TV. I constantly see conservative pundits making fun of the Green New Deal. It cost money, which they ridicule. Many of these people don’t believe that climate change is real, and they ridicule all of us who do. They act like it is on the level with putting foil hats on our heads to protect us from aliens. For example, just today I found this comment on one of those conservative anti-New Deal articles (From Climate Depot):
‘Imbeciles…moronic stuff’: Physicist Unleashes on European Green Deal’s as a ‘standard Marxist garbage plan’ – ‘Insane suicidal goal of net-zero emissions’
Former Harvard Univerity physicist Dr. Lubos Motl rips the "imbeciles who are employed as members of the European Parliament."
European Green Deal: "This list of outrageous green documents and organizations was probably included in order to terrify the citizens so that many won't have the courage to point out that this stuff is being produced by the same toxic scum among politicians...There is no "need" to tackle climate change and even if there were one, it would be in no way urgent and decades of waiting would make no detectable difference...
It kind of makes us fee like: “Wow! How could I have been so stupid as to believe in those climate change leftists?” This is quite a mouth full. “Toxic scum?” Wow! These New Deal people must not only be real stupid and dumb, they are really bad people. One of these authors even referred to some of the Green New Deal supporters as “Marxists.” That is probably supposed to mean they are REAL bad people.
Then there is ADRIANA COHEN who points out that many of these liberal law makers went to a Green New Deal event on chartered private jets. I’m not sure how that news makes the Green New Deal irrelevant. Why does this matter at all, how they arrive at some destination? Is there a contradiction between opposing climate change and using a private jet?
“When it comes to climate change, are liberal proponents of the costly Green New Deal and other radical environmental initiatives bamboozling Americans?
There isn’t a day that goes by that liberal lawmakers and Democratic presidential contenders aren’t screaming from the rooftops about the “apocalyptic” effects of climate change. They tell us the world is coming to an end in eight to 10 short years if we don’t “act now.”
In fact, alarmists like Senate Minority leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., and Sen. Bernie Sanders, D-Vt., refused to support the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) that came up for a vote in the U.S. Senate last week because the trade agreement didn’t mention the word “climate” in it. U.S. Sen. Ed Markey, D-Mass., also voted against it, as did Sens. Cory Booker, Kamala Harris and others.”
Conservatives have a lot of issues they try to ridicule. They like to label people as “Marxists” and “liberals.” These labels are good as push button words that draw the ire of their more conservative readers, or listeners. But conservation is a very important issue that all leftists need to take very seriously. Some issues, as saving the whales, wolves, foxes or desert Tortoises are all about aesthetics. I remember a comment from a conservative about land use in Wyoming. He said he didn’t want his taxes going to protect some kind of desert tortoise. People like him have no interest in such animals. Many ranchers would rather we wipe out Coyotes, wolves and anything else that might take some of their livestock. Some protected animals are seen, by ranchers, as a nuisance, such as prairie dogs. Others, such as the prairie chicken just don’t hold interest for many of them.
I remember a comment from a conservative about land use in Of the more important issues is climate change, which affects us now and will continue to affect us in the future. We can ignore it as many Republican pundits suggest to us. But doing that is very dangerous to us now and for future generations.
Global warming is as real as atoms. My brother went to Alaska and said global warming is making a mess of that place. We have all of these weather related records being broken. We have fires in California . We have massive snow storms all across the northern part of our nation. We have flooding all across the south.
We use up fossil fuels which can’t be replaced. When they are gone, they are gone. We use up more and more land, some of which we will need for farming, for new housing.[1] As with many of these nonrenewable resources, when they are gone, that is the end of it. And eventually many of the more important resources, that we rely on so much, will be gone.
Conservatives figure they will die before future generations have to deal with THEIR messes. It’s all about dumping their mess on future generations. They will live out their lives comfortably, making fun of those who want to fix THEIR problems.
It is easy for these conservatives to just laugh at those who show concern for the environment, but the rest of us need to take these issues real seriously or we will end up swept away with them when our society maxes out and we run out of all our resources and our environments makes life just plain unlivable.
Storms are getting worse every year.