By SJ Otto
I am thankful for political out lets such as Politico. Thanks to them I did not have to actually watch that stupid buffoon of a president—Donald Trump. That this man ever got elected is pure amazement. And it is amazing that there are so many American citizens who not only voted for him but continue to support him. He is one of the most mean-spirited, classist, sexist and bigoted ass hole to hold the presidency since Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon. From Politicowe have:
The strangest State of the Union ever
President Donald Trump likes his superlatives and you have to give him credit: He definitely earned them this time.
This was the most defiant, most boastful, most ostentatiously theatrical, most overtly campaign-oriented, most am-I-hearing-this-right? outlandish—the most flamboyantly bizarre—State of the Union Address of All Time.
President Donald Trump likes his superlatives and you have to give him credit: He definitely earned them this time.
This was the most defiant, most boastful, most ostentatiously theatrical, most overtly campaign-oriented, most am-I-hearing-this-right? outlandish—the most flamboyantly bizarre—State of the Union Address of All Time.
It was also the most disorienting, and hard to categorize through the prism of conventional political analysis. That prism already had lost much of its utility during the Trump Era, and the president seemed to shatter it completely in a 78-minute speech to a congressional audience whose fealty and contempt toward Trump were on display in equal and vivid measure.
Trump long ago lost the capacity truly to shock, but he still has tricks up his sleeve: The speech showed he still has ability to surprise.
In particular, his speech was notable for the unapologetically zig-zag quality of the messaging. The usual rubric is that national politicians face a choice of mobilization or persuasion. One choice is to energize the partisan base with sharp-edged rhetoric and cultural and ideological scab-picking. The other choice is to blur lines with round-edged appeals to voters who aren’t on board but might yet be coaxed there.
Trump refused the choice. In keeping with the more-is-more spirit of the speech, he did both.
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We can easily guess what Trump bragged about. The economy is doing well—for businesses and some middle class workers. The wealthy got a hefty tax break. Many middle class people got a hefty tax break, but it is only temporary. He won’t point out that it expires some time next year.
Jobs are up—there are more of them. What did not go up are the income levels. Every economic indicator shows the economy is up, except for income levels. Very few people have had raises in a long time. And the raises people did get are not that much.
Trump might have bragged about his attempts to end ObamaCare (Affordable Care Act). He may not have reminded people that he ended health care for millions of low income people.
He walked away from the US support of efforts to stop global warming, which he claims he doesn’t believe in. He walked away from an agreement former President Barack Obama developed to stop Iran from continuing its nuclear power and weapons program. Trump nearly got the US into a war with Iran and he put punishing sanctions on that country, and he has forced several European nations to follow up with sanctions as well.
Trump has relentlessly tried to destroy the socialist system in Cuba ,[1]ending all the changes Obama had made in easy relations with that country. This summer I went to Cuba to see how well their socialist system works and it works very well. He has successfully destroyed a successful socialist leader in Bolivian and he has tried real hard to destroy the political system in Venezuela . He has sanctioned many countries for simply disagreeing with his stupid ideas.He is an international bully.
For the poorer classes, he has raise taxes. He had tried to destroy all the protections that poorer people have for their medical needs—for example, he has tried to remove the law that prevents insurance companies from exempting people with pre-existing conditions from getting health care.
I recently saw a comment on Facebook asking us “why we can’t admit that Trump is a great president?” This guy must be in a higher income bracket than a lot of us. I explained to this chump how much damage this man has caused on poorer people. I raised the question “Is he just trying to kill us poor folks?”
For many people this man is a disaster. For those who support him, they are either unaware of the damage he is causing or they just don’t give a damn. In other words these supporters of Trump are either ignorant or as mean spirited as he is. The main problem with Trump is all the people out there who are supporting him and they may be able to get this buffoon re-elected.
I’m really thankful that there were so many TV stations that rerun old TV shows that I could watch rather than our idiot and Chief—President Trump.
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