Just recently I posted an editorial calling on Presidential contender Bernie Sanders to drop out of the race and let progressives focus on smaller races, where new progressive people are in tight races. This is probably the best way to pursue the progressive issues we all want to see pass. Another article I posted tried to claim that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortezis turning her back on progressives and becoming more conservative. The following article shows that this isjust not true:
-SJ Otto
From Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez:
Here’s the situation: Samelys is building a people-powered, progressive movement to defeat a series of moderate opponents. Her campaign is focused on a Housing for All Guarantee — because everyone has a basic right to a roof over their head.
Samelys spent part of her childhood on the streets — bouncing from shelter to shelter with her mother, not knowing what the future held.
The reason we trust her to fight with all her spirit for working people is because we know she has lived the struggle and understands that we have the power to change that reality.
Especially in a time of crisis like this, having Samelys in Congress is a critical priority. We need leaders who embody political courage and Samelys has shown that she’s not afraid to speak truth to power.
This is a highly contested primary. Samelys will need your help to win on her progressive platform of Medicare for All, a Green New Deal, and a Housing Guarantee for All.