Channel: The Idiot Factor: Corruption Folly
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Bernie Sanders has Withdrawn from the Democratic Party Primary and Endorsed Joe Biden


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Though many of us have numerous criticisms of Bernie Sanders, especially his tendencies toward petty-bourgeois socialism and his weaker than preferred foreign policy, his political campaign was largely a net good for the American political discourse. It crops up miles and miles superior to anyone else running  in the Democratic Primary and Sanders was an obvious choice over Donald Trump. Unlike any other candidate, he brought conversations of class consciousness to the public spotlight and spoke to the real problems Americans endure. It is important to know that you can still vote in the Democratic Primary via mail in Kansasand any delegate will have sway over the DNC and Kansas Dems policy/positional hiring. We don’t advocate for taking part in bourgeois (elite) democracy more than just voting, however, there is some strategy in the short term in still assisting center to center-left policy within the Democratic Party. Outside of this We do not advocate voting for Joe Biden and believe to do so would be a material mistake as his candidacy would not improve the lives of working people in this country or any others over Donald Trump. They both suffer from the same ideology that will replicate the problems already existing in this country.

Bernie Sanders' decision to endorse Joe Biden isn’t surprising but it is disappointing. He has been hounded day after day about supporting the Democratic Nominee since 2015, so this shouldn’t have surprised you. In his view, his position in the senate is more important than him being an active enemy of the Democratic Party. That being said, Joe Biden represents everything Bernie campaigned against, and that should be a lesson to reformists. One way or another Bernie Sanders platform would have come to an end. We saw it with Jeremy Corbyn and we see it with Bernie Sanders. The Democratic Party, much like British Labour Party, cannot be reformed into submission. This is a time I think it is important to read Reform or Revolution by Rosa Luxemburg (Libertarian Marxist), The State and Revolution by Vladimir Lenin (Marxist), and  Reformism by Errico Malatesta (Anarcho-Communist). In the best case scenario, the Elites of this country would have allowed petty small concessions to shut us up and then worked endlessly to make any leftist/socialist/labor movement die. See all the social democracies in the world: UK, Canada, Mexico, Nigeria, Germany, South Africa, etc. Obviously a better approach than what the United States is doing, but none of the problems of capitalism, class society, or a state based government can be resolved by asking it nicely to give up power. Reformism is only ever permitted in so far as to keep revolution at bay. We are not saying Bernie Sanders a fraud, what we are saying is that revolution cannot be done through asking, you must demand.

1.                                         Problems in the Bernie Sanders Campaign

·                     Petty-Bourgeois Socialism
·                                 Probably the worst thing that Bernie had a hand in was focusing on collaboration between the working class and petty-bourgeois (elite). For those that do not know, despite functioning similarly, the petty-bourgeois (elite) class are those people that have private ownership of the means of production (landlords, business owners, etc), but do not have the power or status to directly influence policy and the state like the bourgeois (elite) class. Socialists want the emancipation of all people; that does not mean that some people can oppress the working class even if it’s not as bad as what more powerful people are doing. Collective ownership is better than small/medium sized private ownership which is better than large/multinational private ownership, so why settle?
·                     Foreign Policy
·                                 Though Bernie has come around on some serious foreign policy gaffs like tepidly supporting the coups of Venezuelaand Bolivia, he doesn’t always question the intentions of the American Military Industrial Complex (to be fair, everyone else openly supports American imperialism and colonialism). Just because he was better, doesn’t mean his approach was good enough.
·                     Class Dynamics of the Democratic Party
·                                 The Democratic Party much like the Republic party is a bourgeois (elite) party who serves exclusively bourgeois (elite) interests. Any rhetoric in either party about public good, working class experiences, or populism always was and will always be in the service of the bourgeois (elite) class. The Dems focus on occasionally throwing a bone to marginalized groups and the Republicans focus on white working class conservative social opinions, but neither operate in a way that centers policies for working people. Bernie Sanders winning the nomination would have never been allowed to happen; his moderate social democratic policies are not in line with the AmericanStateand would be undermined one way or another.
·                     Liberal Capitulation
·                                 Liberals when attacking social democrats and socialists are rarely done in good faith. The Bernie Bro narrative was classist, racist, sexist, queerphobic, ableist, and generally xenophobic smear against his supporters. A lot of the attacks against Bernie and his campaign were pretty clear anti-semetic and classist smears. Him trying to appease the liberal pundit class was futile, all it did was low-key condone the abuse. No one should have to apologize for existing.
·                     Irregular Election Dynamics
·                                 I’m not saying there was election fraud, all We are saying is that at least half of the primary elections should be reviewed by a third party. The UN classifies election tampering when an election has a deviation of more than 4% between exit polls and final tallies. There were several primaries that had a discrepancy of over 10%. Let’s not even get into holding in-person elections during a global pandemic or clear manufacturing of consent by the mainstream media throughout this whole process. Bourgeois (elite) society always acts so brazenly because they have the power of the state.

2.     Success in the Bernie Sanders Campaign 

·                     Class Consciousness
·                                 The idea that Americans would publicly talk about class dynamics and use the phrase “working class” in mainstream political discourse is highly unusual. It’s been a rule for a long time to split the working class into the “poor” and the “middle” class, so that the members of the working class either seem needy/subservient or they are a part of bourgeois (elite) class that needs to fall in line. It’s been taboo in America since the beginning to publicly talk about how the majority of Americans are living as wage slaves and will likely never be a member of the propertied class.
·                     Nationalization/Public Ownership
·                                 Nationalization and tax based welfare capitalism doesn’t remove or fix any of the problems and contradictions of capitalism. These things do however lessen the strain on the working class and give more time and agency to people to affect more aggressive changes. Bernie Sanders' advocacy of growing the welfare programs would have only been a net benefit for working class people in the short term and would have been a nice jumping off point for further action. Americans now believe we can have more public/collectively owned goods and services, which is ultimately useful.
·                     Unionization/Strike Action
·                                 We have been undergoing the most number of strikes and unionizing in this country than has happened in decades, and this can be related to Bernie’s rhetoric. Now unions and big man politics have never been and will never be enough, however this is a nice change. Americans are realizing that collective action and community good are superior avenues for positive social change than individual social action and exclusively operating through electoral politics. Again, this has set the stage for the left to build and draw the American people further left.
·                     Activism as Politics
·                                 Bernie Sanders has used his momentum and campaign not only for fighting to try and win the presidency, but to push for important legislation as well as advocating for various activist issues and down-ballot candidates. #NotMeUs is a social movement that is tied into a wide variety of left-wing social activism: environmentalism, anti-racism, anti-imperialism, feminism, LGBTQ+ issues, etc.

3.                 What Now?

·                     Democratic Primary
·                                 Please register as a democrat if you are not and submit a mail in ballot. The more Bernie delegates we can win, the more we can undermine the right wing of the democratic party. We will never have power in that party, but at least we can put a thorn in its side as we destroy that worthless party. Once that is done, We encourage you to register as an independent.
·                                 Kansas Voter Registration
·                                 Request Mail-In-Ballot
·                     Electoral Politics
·                                 We advocate for a great expulsion out of the Democratic Party. Anyone who has known me (Steven) knows that though I am a communist, I do generally advocate for lesser evil-ism voting in a purple state like Kansas. Not this time. We are currently working on getting a local political party up and running at WMLA. All in all, we don’t know what party is going to take up the mantle of center-left and leftwing politics for this presidential election. It could be the Green Party (GP), Socialist Party USA (SPUSA), Party of Socialism and Liberation (PSL), Communist Party USA (CPUSA), Party of Communism USA (PCUSA), etc. We will keep you posted. Regardless you can’t register as anything other than Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, or Independent in the state of Kansas.
·                                 Stay tuned, we are in talks with a couple of parties and the general strategy in terms of direct action and electoralism are currently in direct review.
·                     Social Activism
·                                 We need to keep doing what we were doing before. Keep agitating the general public and push policies to the left whenever possible. We have a mutual aid network to deal with some local issues. Please get involved in union and rent striking if at all possible. Use this time during the pandemic to brush up on political theory and social activism. Just because we are inside doesn’t mean we have to be sitting around twiddling our thumbs.

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