Channel: The Idiot Factor: Corruption Folly
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Biden – Trump debate- a natural pig fest


 By SJ Otto

The fist debate is over and commentators are calling it one of the worst debates in the history of debates. That may be true. But this is about who will win. President Donald Trump was aggressive. He shot out a lot of antidotes and statistics, many of which are probably not true. For trump this was about proving to his base that he could out yell and out chew his opponent. He did that.

For the intelligent voter Trump only proved what an idiot he is. But his supporters are just like him. They are brutish and care little about the facts. They only care about seeing Trump chew up Joe Biden and he did a lot of that.

After the debate, commentators were calling this debate shameful, almost embarrassing. One commentator said that people from other countries, watching this, maybe dumbfounded.

The problem is that Trump has pulled the civility level to an all time low from day one of his presidency. The people that supported him wanted someone outside the system. I remember when NPR was talking to a Trump supporter who said: “He talks just like I do.” What does that guy talk like? Who are these people who really like Trump? They like him enough to go to his rallies and not wear masks. They stand close together and ignore all those social distancing rules.

For those people I’m sure Trump did great. For those who wanted Joe Biden to do well, many were probably satisfied with his performance, although I though he wasn’t that good. The big question for Biden is how to deal with an opponent who doesn’t follow the normal rules. He is a bully and that is what we saw tonight.

Biden called Trump “a liar” and “a clown.” A lot of people found those kind of tactic in bad taste. But what else could he do. Trump is a clown and a liar.


Some high lights of the debate:


Trump keeps hammering on a vaccine by the election.

Trump accused Biden of ignoring other disease epidemics while he was vice president.

Biden hit hard on Trump taking away Obamacare (Affordable Care Act) and taking health care away from millions of Americans.

Trump kept trying to tie Biden to Bernie Sanders and socialism. He accused all the Democratic Mayors of such cities as Portland as being against law enforcement. Biden accused Trump of pouring gas on the fire.

The narrator asked Trump if he would condemn the ultra-right groups as he did against groups on the left. He really didn’t do that. He kept accusing the left of causing the problems. Any one on the left will find nothing but contempt from Trump. When I say left, I mean anyone from the center left on leftward. Trump portrays anyone to the left of his party “far-left.”

Trump accused Democrats and anti-racist of being anti-American. He insults anyone who is not part of his racist and red neck agenda. He kept hammering against the radical left. 

Trump talks fast and tried to dominate the debate. His style is real aggressive.

Biden has a hard time getting his points across. He has better statistic and antidotes. But Trump is going faster and trying to ambush him.

Trump accused the moderator of being his real debate opponent and there was some truth to that.

Biden made a good point of defending his son, who was in the military, against Trumps accusations that people in military is losers.

In the past I have gone out of my way to avoid watching these debates. In the past, we knew what each debater would do.

If people are stupid and don’t pay attention to established facts, then Trump is winning the debate. The problem is that this man can say anything and some people are going to believe it. If people in this country are real stupid Trump is going to win this election. He is good at talking and ambushing his opponent. He does not rely on facts though. All the polls have Biden winning. That is good, but the polls had him losing against Hillary Clinton. We should take nothing for granted in this election.


Pix by The soft bigotry of Trump's low expectations may give Biden a debate edge.

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