By SJ Otto
For those who do not live in
Wow! I got to see this. Can Ron Estes really debate a candidate? REALLY?! On his own? I gotta see that, Oct. 6, 6:30pm. I always had the impression that the Republicans felt they owed this bozo a cushy seat, so they gave him a seat in a Republican district were all he has to do is show up. It is a Republican district so he should not have to actually do any real work to get and keep this seat. In his first election bid, he didn't do any campaigning. His party ran deceptive ads lying about his opponent. He just figured he'd win because he was the Republican candidate. He almost lost, but he did win. He campaigned in the next election and he won by a landslide. To win the debate will be easy, for Laura Lombard. Winning the election for her is another matter. There are lots of Republicans who just vote Republican. Democrat Lombard has to win over some Republicans who don't even pay attention to the candidates. They just vote Republican. She has her work cut out for her, while Ron will just consider this a cake walk. He is a dim witted politician who can win just because he belongs to the right party. He is a lackluster slacker who can win this election because he is a party hack. Ron Estes: the ultimate slacker and the ultimate dumb ass.